The Climate Action Reserve publishes the U.S. and Canada Biochar Protocol
The protocol guides how to quantify, monitor, report, and verify climate benefits from the production and use of biochar in the U.S. and Canada.
Public consultation on Puro’s Updated Geologically Stored Carbon Methodology closes April 24, 2024
This major update to Puro’s Geologically Stored Carbon Methodology, originally released in 2021, marks a significant milestone for the geologic storage of CO2 in carbon removal.
Public consultation on the second set of CCS+ methodologies closes April 15, 2024
The methodology framework provides a set of modules for capture, transport and storage segments of a CCS project that can be combined, depending on the specific design of the CCS project or technologies implemented.
An introduction to MRV in carbon markets
The push to develop robust and high quality MRV is growing. As the carbon markets expand and diversify, the need for accurate, transparent, and reliable verification of carbon emissions, reductions, and removals becomes more critical than ever.
Over a third of the global biochar carbon market runs on Mangrove Nexus
Accend commercializes some of the largest biochar carbon projects in the world.
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